- P. Torres, H. Marques, P. Marques, J. Rodriguez, “Using Deep Neural Networksfor Forecasting Cell Congestion on LTE Networks: A Simple Approach,” in proc. International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks (CrownCom), Sept. 2017.
- A. Radwan, M. Domingues, J. Rodriguez, “Mobile Caching-enabled Small-cells for Delay-tolerant e-Health applications”, 2017 IEEE International Conf. on Communications (ICC Workshops), Paris, 2017, pp. 103-108.
- F. Marzouk, J. Rodriguez, A. Radwan, “Analysis and Enhancement of Platoon Management in Smart City”, in proc. International Wireless Comm. and Mobile Computing Conf. (IWCMC), Limassol, 2018, pp. 1301-1306.
- M. Domingues, et. al, “Energy-aware Wearable e-Health Architecture using Optical FBG Sensors for Knee Kinematic Monitoring”, in proc. IEEE Globecom, Abu Dhabi, 2018 (to appear in IEEE).
- M. Hasan, et. al, “Internet of Things Task Scheduling in Cloud Environment Using Particle Swarm Optimization”, in proc. IEEE Globecom, Abu Dhabi, 2018 (to appear in IEEE).
Submitted Publications
Hao Ran Chi and Ayman Radwan, “Small Cell Allocation Strategy for Smart City: A Multi-Objective Optimization Approach,” submitted to International Conf. on Communications (ICC2020), Dublin, Ireland, 2020.
M. Souilem, R. L. Aguiar, and Ayman Radwan, “On-demand energy-efficient small cell deployment towards self-organizing load balancing,” submitted to International Conf. on Communications (ICC2020), Dublin, Ireland, 2020.
W. Dghais, M. Souilem, H. R. Chi, and Ayman Radwan, “Dynamic Clustering for Power Effective Small Cell Deployment in HetNet 5G Networks,” submitted to International Conf. on Communications (ICC2020), Dublin, Ireland, 2020.
- First Prototype Presented at the IBC 2018 in Amsterdam
Eurico Ferreira
- Proef had a both at the event where it showcased MUSCLES ongoing works
- IPCB has presented intermediate results of the SON algorithms at Japan IT WEEK (www.japan-it.jp/en/ ), Tokyo, Japan, November 8-10, 2017
Ayman Radwan, as the Coordinator of MUSCLES, has been invited as keynote speaker in multiple events, where he advertised for MUSCLES project.
– Keynote Speaker at 2nd Annual MSA Workshop on Advances in Communication and Electronic Systems,
Cairo, Egypt, 29th April 2018.
Dr. Radwan has presented the main concept of MUSCLES, and how it aims to reduce cost of maintaining network functionality, in addition to enhancing network performance using small cells.
– Invited Talk at IET Event “5G: How is it going to change your life”, Bradford, UK, 21 Feb 2018.
Dr. Radwan has presented the effects of the new QoS provided by 5G, and how they will enable new applications and functionalities. He additionally provided an insight on the use of on-demand mobile small cells and how they would benefit new vital applications, such as eHealth, smart city, and Vehicular technology.